How Adobe Target can Boost your Personalization Strategy: Part II
In Part I, we discussed how Adobe Target allows the business to customize any content on the page – images, text, videos, layout, menus, and so on…based on any metric or user criteria the website can measure and send to Target. The big takeaway from that post**** to identify which metrics matter to your business. Sometimes these (metrics) are referred to as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Once you have determined your goals, you’ll want to dive into the different tools Adobe Target has. All of them are geared toward helping you to present personalized experiences to your users and then measure the results of how each variation of the experience performs. For example, the tools that determine how and when the experiences are displayed are called Activities.
If you think back to the example solutions we discussed in part 1, some were based on pre-existing data known about the user, while others were a few different solutions presented to everyone. The activity type with the goal of comparing the effectiveness of a few different solutions is called A/B Testing. This activity compares two or more experiences against the success metrics you specify, so long-term you can migrate to the experience that is most likely to provide the results you want.
Identifying Key Metrics – How?
Let’s say you want to create an experience for existing customers with an upsell opportunity. The default experience highlights a key feature of your product or service, one that existing customers are already familiar with so they’re not as interested in learning more about it. The activity is what determines the criteria (existing user or not) for when one of these experiences appears and selected metrics, later used to determine how successful the page experience is.
In this case, your success metrics are probably your new business conversion rate and upsell rate. If your existing default experience is the key feature highlight, by personalizing in this way you would be looking to increase your upsell rate while maintaining your new business conversion rate.
Default Experience → Key Feature(Metric = New Business Conversion Rate)
New Personalized Experience → Upsell(Metric = Upsell Rate)
Start by planning how many new experiences you want to try, and long you want them to last. Typically in A/B testing you will present the experience or offers to a large audience and assign a percentage likeliness that a user will see the experience. The two most commonly used options that I’ve seen for this are testing 50/50 old experience vs new experience, or start with a very small portion assigned to the new experience and ramp up the percentage as users and/or metrics confirm that the change is positive. This can be configured in any manner you like for any number of experiences, so 5 experiences could be 80% Old/ 5% New 1 / 5% New 2 / 5% New 3 / 5% New 4.
Download Blue Acorn iCi’s Complete Customer Experience Report to learn how to create an unforgettable, personalized customer experience.
Activities that match known user data to experiences are called Experience Targeting. This can be with any user criteria mentioned earlier, or anything else that can be pulled in and sent to Target.
There are a few other activity types outlined in Adobe’s activity table below but, unsurprisingly, these are combinations or streamlining of A/B Testing with Experience Targeting.
A question we often ask our clients is, “What’s your Personalization Strategy?” If you don’t already have a personalization strategy, I highly recommend developing one. It makes all the difference in making a meaningful and effective web presence. You don’t have to take our word for it though, let’s examine part of a Adobe Customer Story from Time Warner Cable, one of our clients.
“Expanding on this strategy, Time Warner Cable further refined parameters to target potential new customers with specific package levels — such as basic cable or premium cable services — based on factors such as household income and household spending data. The result was a 30% increase in conversion rate and a 47% increase in revenue per visitor, generating a $1.4 million increase in annualized revenue.”